History of Gazaria Upazila
Gazaria has a remarkable contribution in the war of Independence in1971.A lot of reputed persons born in Gazaria.
The land of Gazaria is alluvial land aroused from the once mighty river Meghna, locally known as Char Gazaria.Due to the passage of time,locality extended to its surroundings which became a part of Tripura Thana under Assam District during the early British Empire period. Later when the Daudkandi Thana was created,Gazaria was made part of Daudkandi Thana. However despite these changes It was always a total neglected area.
There was no high school within the Thana area till 1937 when Baushia MA Azahar High school was established.
There was no land communication and the only communication route was river and country boat .From Narayanganj it took 14 hours to reach Gazaria by boat.The boat sometimes ply on sail sometime on pulling 'Goon' (Pulling through roap) by the boatmen.There was threatening of dacoity at 'Kalagachia' within 'Rampal' area.
The peoples social life was at primitive stage. Such a state of affair of Gazaria led the elites of Gazaria residing in Calcutta in 1945 to do something for Gazaria.Thereafter due to the effort of a section of elites of Gazaria locality, residing at Calcutta,India in 1945,namely Mr.SD Khan,Dr.Abdul Gaffar Khan MB (Cal), Mr.Rajab Ali Esq.,Gazaria became the part of Munshiganj Thana in 1946.A ray of hope flashed for making Gazaria a developed land and a very slow process of development was going on. It continued so till the independent Gazaria Thana was established in the year 1954.
Gazaria Logo standing at both entrance of Gazaria upazila |
The land of Gazaria is alluvial land aroused from the once mighty river Meghna, locally known as Char Gazaria.Due to the passage of time,locality extended to its surroundings which became a part of Tripura Thana under Assam District during the early British Empire period. Later when the Daudkandi Thana was created,Gazaria was made part of Daudkandi Thana. However despite these changes It was always a total neglected area.
There was no high school within the Thana area till 1937 when Baushia MA Azahar High school was established.
There was no land communication and the only communication route was river and country boat .From Narayanganj it took 14 hours to reach Gazaria by boat.The boat sometimes ply on sail sometime on pulling 'Goon' (Pulling through roap) by the boatmen.There was threatening of dacoity at 'Kalagachia' within 'Rampal' area.
The peoples social life was at primitive stage. Such a state of affair of Gazaria led the elites of Gazaria residing in Calcutta in 1945 to do something for Gazaria.Thereafter due to the effort of a section of elites of Gazaria locality, residing at Calcutta,India in 1945,namely Mr.SD Khan,Dr.Abdul Gaffar Khan MB (Cal), Mr.Rajab Ali Esq.,Gazaria became the part of Munshiganj Thana in 1946.A ray of hope flashed for making Gazaria a developed land and a very slow process of development was going on. It continued so till the independent Gazaria Thana was established in the year 1954.
President Field Marshal Muhammad Ayub Khan Photo of Mr.Muhammad Kalimullah not available |
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President Hussain Muhammad Ershad |
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Major(Retd.) Md Jashimuddin |
Contribution in Independence War 1971
In the War of independence in 1971,Gazaria people had great sacrifice.In the month of May 1971,the Pakistan army on getting wrong intelligence information Commander Nazrul Islam along with another Valiant Fredom Fighter Commander Taneshuddin and disrupted communication through Dhaka-Chittagong highway by bombing-out 300meter concrete bridge on the Dhaka-Ctg highway at Bhaterchar in August 1971,thereby obstructing the advancement of the Pak army.At the last stage of war Commander Nazrul Islam was killed in front fight with retreating Pakistan Army on 16 December 1971,just on the day of Victory.Fortunitly
Gazaria was clear off any Razaker,and all the inhabitant of Gazaria locality helped Freedom Fighters by assisting them in various manner.
about training of freedom fighters at the village of Goshairchar, Gazaria union, reached Gazaria union at dawn of 8th May 1971 through the river route. They raided Goshairchar village at the
very early morning on 9th May 1971 and killed more than four hundred innocent people by gunshot.Therefrom they proceeded to Bhaberchar where they also ruthlessly killed eleven tender-aged boys,who out of fear,took shelter inside a ditch.The Pakistan Army took 'Charred soil policy'and massacred the all the adjacent villages of Dhaka-Chittagong road,including
Baluakandi,Bhaterchar,Anarpura,Dashkandi etc..At the later stage of November 1971 the freedom fighters of Gazaria locality made vigorous fight at Bhabercha,Baluakand and Baushia ,under the leadership of the valiant
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Commander Shahid Nazrul Islam.Killed in front fight with Pakistani Army on 9 th Dec. 1971 |
Commander Tanesh Uddin. |
Commander Rafiqul Islam Bir Protik |
In 2011 the Local Government constructed Marks of War of Liberation at the Mass grave at Gosairchar.The grave of commander Shahid Nazrul Islam is situated at the Baushia Ferry ghat uncared.Another valiant freedom fighter of Gazaria Mr.Rafiqul Islam was awarded the national style 'Bir-Protik'.
Tourism Potentiality of Gazaria
The only tourism enterprise'Meghna Village Holiday Resort' in its limited efforts attempts to focus Gazaria to the whole nation successfully result to which at least 500 evening stroller are visiting the resort which enhanced the economic activity of the concerned area.
Gazaria has a rich heritage and cultural history.once the 'Palki' was used in wedding ceremony.The singers accompanies the Bridal party. The local wedding songs are still prevailing in the remote areas.
Gazaria has a rich heritage and cultural history.once the 'Palki' was used in wedding ceremony.The singers accompanies the Bridal party. The local wedding songs are still prevailing in the remote areas.